The Fender Duo Sonic, originally conceived as a student guitar model, has taken on a new life recently as a sought after entry point into Fender's vintage market. Very rarely, however, one like this pops up. Every so often, Fender would use Korina on for their bodies (like the Gibson V's and Explorers of the 1950s) and this one very much leads us to believe that it is, in fact, one of those Korina guitars.
Aside from its historical material, this Duo Sonic has a fair number of things replaced: the pots, pickup covers, tuners are all replacements, as well as the middle saddle. The guitar, however, plays better because of it. The neck has the original finish, and is nice and tiny, with a 1 1/2 inch nut and a 22" scale.
These guitars are a great way of getting a great, unique, vintage guitar. Serial #94148 comes with a new Fender hardshell case.